50th Professorial Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Jane Ambuko

Prof. Jane Ambuko will deliver the 50th professorial inaugural lecture at the historical Taifa Hall on Friday, September 27, 2024. The lecture titled "From the Lab to the Land: Solutions for Food Loss & Waste Reduction for the People and the Planet," it promises to be both topical and revolutionary as it addresses one of the most pressing issues of our time.

Prof. Jane Ambuko’s 50th Professorial Inaugural Lecture is not just an academic tradition but a celebration of a distinguished career dedicated to tackling global challenges. As a leading scholar in agricultural sciences, Prof. Ambuko’s work has bridged the gap between theoretical research and practical application, making significant strides in the fight against food loss and waste.

Food loss and waste are critical issues with far-reaching implications for both the environment and food security. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), approximately one-third of all food produced globally is lost or wasted. This not only exacerbates hunger but also contributes to environmental degradation through wasted resources and greenhouse gas emissions.

Prof. Ambuko's lecture is a significant milestone for her and the university of Nairobi as it will showcase how laboratory findings can be effectively translated into actionable strategies on the ground. Her talk will cover topics such as advanced agricultural technologies, sustainable practices, and policy recommendations aimed at minimizing food loss.