Deans address to first years

Prof. Moses Nyangito, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, welcomed first-year students at the 844 auditorium. Together with him was the Prof. Catherine Kunyanga, the associate dean and chairmen of departments.
Prof. Nyangito began his speech by extending a warm welcome to the incoming students, acknowledging the excitement and challenges that come with starting university life. With a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to academic excellence, he shared insights drawn from his own career and observations in the field of agriculture.

Prof. Nyangito's address highlighted several key areas of focus for the students. He stressed the importance of setting clear academic goals and developing a disciplined study routine.  He encouraged the students to strive for success through commitment, time management, and a willingness to go beyond the basics. He also touched upon the importance of engaging with the broader university community. He encouraged students to participate in extracurricular activities, form connections with peers, and take advantage of the various resources available to them.

In his part, the chair of Agricultural Economics department Prof. Jonathan Nzuma told the students to work hard and observe the universities’ rules and regulations for them to have an easy time at the university.

As part of the orientation process, the new students were introduced to various support services available to them, including academic advising, career counseling, and mental health resources. The Faculty of Agriculture is dedicated to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment where students can thrive academically and personally.

The incoming students were also encouraged to engage actively with their peers and participate in extracurricular activities that complement their academic pursuits. Building a strong network and getting involved in university life are seen as key components of a well-rounded university experience.

In addition to inspiring students for the upcoming academic year, the dean's speech included helpful guidance that they would surely find useful throughout their time in college. His call for hard work, balanced well-being, and active engagement promises to guide the first years towards a successful and fulfilling academic experience.