The Great Milllet Quest Awards.

The University of Nairobi in collaboration with Unilever and Farm to Market Alliance held the grand finale of the Great Millet Conquest at the Radisson Blue Hotel on Friday, 21st June 2024. The awards were a culmination of months of hard work by students who had been tasked to come up with innovative products from Millet. 

Out of 20 teams, 7 were recognized while 3 were awarded cash prizes. The winning team, Nexus bagged the grand prize of 500,000 while teams Kalmi and Soy Mill walked away with 250,00 and 100,000 respectively. The competition is a good example of how the industry can partner with Academia to come up with innovations. 

While speaking at the event, Vice Chancellor Prof. Stephen Kiama reiterated the importance of Academia and Industry linkage, emphasizing how collaborations like these fostered creativity and practical learning among students. Prof. Kiama expressed his gratitude to Unilever and Farm to Market Alliance for their partnership and stressed the importance of such initiatives in shaping the future of innovation in Kenya. 

Prof. Catherine Kunyanga, the driving force behind the university's team in the competition, shared her pride in the students' achievements. She said that every year students come up with innovations that can be adopted by industry. Her call to action resonated with the audience, urging companies to support and invest in student-led innovations that could pave the way for future advancements.

Unilever Africa platform lead Dexter Adeola said that the company would look at ways of supporting the winning projects with the possibility of adopting some of them. 

The Great Millet Conquest not only showcased the innovative spirit of Kenya's youth but also underscored the power of collaboration between academia and industry. With promises of continued support and future partnerships, the event marked a milestone in the journey towards sustainable innovation and economic growth in the region.