Postgraduate and University supervisors participate in Gender Analysis & Methodologies Training

The training was meant to give more information and priorities in gender equality, key concepts of gender equality, gender mainstreaming, gender analysis, gender-responsive budgeting and advocating for gender equality.

Prof Oduma(Left) and Dr Kaluwa(3rd left) conducting the Gender Analysis & Methodologies Training.

Gender research and training is vital because sex, love, care, and reproduction are basic dimensions in life, and yet, the meaning of gender is contested.

Owing to that, lecturers from the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (CAVS) conducted gender analysis trainng to the postgraduate students and some of their supervisors.

The training was meant to give more information and priorities in gender equality, key concepts of gender equality, gender mainstreaming, gender analysis, gender-responsive budgeting and advocating for gender equality. Other topics that the students were trained on were livestock vaccine value chain analysis and outcome mapping. 

The training was led by Prof Odumaand and Dr Kaluwa, and the trainees were postgraduate students from Agricultural Economics, Animal production, Centre for Anthropology and African studies.

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