Socially Inclusive Adaptation Knowledge Integration for Resilience Livelihood in Northern Kenya (SOAK) project

This project aims at supporting pastoralists and agro- pastoralists to use transformative and socially
inclusive adaptation knowledge to build the resilience of their livelihoods and landscapes in northern
Kenya particularly in Isiolo County. The project is anchored on lessons and recommendations derived
from previous research work undertaken by Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Regions (ASSAR) in the
area. Communities in the region continue to remain vulnerable to impacts of climate change despite
efforts by development agencies both in government and non-governmental organizations to build
their resilience. Particular concern is the exclusion of social groups in the design of climate
adaptation interventions. This video “Silent Voices – Social inclusion in Climate Change Debate” is an
attempt to identify and remind development agencies and policy makers for the need to have
Gender responsive and socially inclusive climate action.

Watch the Documentary Video Here

Project PI: Dr. Staline Kibet
Co-PI: Dr. Oliver Wasonga
Grant No. 109213 -001
Funder Agency: International Development Research Centre