The AGRO-Conference 2023 Committee takes the opportunity to share the call for abstracts for the AGRO-2023 Conference.
Dates: 25- 26THOctober 2023
Convener: Faculty of Agriculture
Physical Sessions: Upper Kabete Campus
Virtual Sessions: Zoom link to be provided
THEME: ‘Harnessing Research in Agriculture and Environment for Resilient and Sustainable Food Systems and Livelihoods’
- Sustainable crop production systems for better food & nutrition security and livelihoods
- Sustainable livestock production systems
- Innovations for processing and preservation of safe and quality food for healthy diets and better nutrition outcomes
- Agroecosystems management for resilient livelihoods
- Agribusiness, Marketing, Trade
- Cross cutting issues (Policy, Governance and Gender)
Abstract Submission:
Submit abstract to:
We Encourage all staff and students to submit abstracts. The organizing committee takes the opportunity to thank you all for the continued support. We look forward to a fruitful conference.
The link is provided below