Call for Abstracts: Agro-Conference 2023

The AGRO-Conference 2023 Committee takes the opportunity to share the call for abstracts for the AGRO-2023 Conference.

Dates: 25- 26THOctober 2023

Convener: Faculty of Agriculture

Physical Sessions: Upper Kabete Campus

Virtual Sessions: Zoom link to be provided

 THEME: ‘Harnessing Research in Agriculture and Environment for Resilient and Sustainable Food Systems and Livelihoods’


  1. Sustainable crop production systems for better food & nutrition security and livelihoods
  2. Sustainable livestock production systems
  3. Innovations for processing and preservation of safe and quality food for healthy diets and better nutrition outcomes
  4. Agroecosystems management for resilient livelihoods
  5. Agribusiness, Marketing, Trade
  6. Cross cutting issues (Policy,  Governance and Gender)

Abstract Submission:

Submit abstract to:

We Encourage all staff and students to submit abstracts. The organizing committee takes the opportunity to thank you all for the continued support. We look forward to a fruitful conference.

The link is provided below