Guests from the University of California.

Guests from the University of California,

Guests from the University of California, Davis (UC Davis), Ms. Lydiah Maranga,
program officer Horticulture Innovation Lab and Dr. Michel Kabirigi, Post Doc with the
Lab and Dr Mumina Shibia, Dr. Alice Murage and Mr Joshua Ngigi from KALRO and Dr
Penina Yumpya from International Centre for Evaluation and Development (ICED), who
are visiting the University on a follow-up of African Indigenous Vegetable (AIV) Project
made a courtesy call at the Dean Faculty of Agriculture on 26th November 2024. They
also visited the Department of Plant Science and Crop Protection. During their tour at
the University of Nairobi, they visited the African Indigenous Vegetables project
experimental sites at the Kabete Field Station, and Fresh Produce Aggregation and
Distribution Hub. The aim of their visit was to assess the progress of the AIV project
which is supported by Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Horticulture University of
California, Davis and highlight success stories.